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Tipperary Sports Partnership (TSP)

November 202105th

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Tipperary Sports Partnership (TSP)

Tipperary Sports Partnership (TSP)

Tipperary Sports Partnership has 6 PPN Rep vacancies in the following categories Disability Rep, Indoor Sports Rep, Field Sport Rep and Outdoor Sports Rep.     

The primary roles of the TSP Board are as follows:

  • Oversee the creation and maintenance of a sports development structure for County Tipperary.
  • Ensure those involved in sport are included in creating the structure.
  • Advocate for and promote sports participation across the county in line with the Sport Ireland vision.
  • Prepare a Sports Development Strategic Plan in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
  • Access the necessary resources to implement the Strategic Plan.
  • Oversee the implementation of the Strategic Plan.
  • Report to the Sport Ireland on progress.


The primary responsibilities of the TSP Board are as follows:

  • Strategically govern the sports partnership through proper supervision of affairs.
  • Provide leadership for the sports partnership in Tipperary.
  • Establish partnerships with other organisations.
  • Plan the strategy for the development of the sports partnership.
  • Assign budgets and in-kind resources to enable priority actions to be delivered.
  • Oversee the implementation of strategic plans and monitor progress.
  • Develop knowledge of local issues, needs and initiatives related to the work of the sports partnership.
  • Maximise the use of local and natural resources within the county.

The voluntary role of the representative would be to:

  • Attend the 6 Annual Board meetings of the Tipperary Sports Partnership.
  • Support the strategic direction of the Tipperary Sports Partnership.
  • Contribute to corporate governance of the Tipperary Sports Partnership.
  • Liaise with the PPN and communicate the role, activities and opportunities for the PPN with the Tipperary Sports Partnership.

 Ideally the candidate will:

  • Have an interest in sport and physical activity
  • Be an active member in the PPN and facilitate the two way communication between the TSP and the PPN
  • Have an understanding of responsibilities of a Board Committee Member
  • Be available to attend the board meetings

The role is an unpaid voluntary role, but expenses can be paid for mileage.


Tipperary Sports Partnership has 6 PPN  Rep vacancies in the following categories:

Sports Categories

Indoor Sports: Badminton, Basketball, Boxing, Gymnastics, Judo, Martial Arts, Racquetball, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tae-kwon-do, Volleyball and Waterpolo


Outdoor sports: Angling, Athletics, Canoeing & Kayaking, Cricket, Cycling, Equestrian, Golf, Gun Club, Handball, Hill Walking, Motorcycle, Mountaineering, Orienteering, Pitch & Putt, Rowing, Tennis, Skittles and Paragliding


Field sports: Camogie, Gaelic Football, Hurling, Ladies Football, Ladies Soccer, Rugby, Soccer and Hockey


Tipperary sports partnership meets 6 times a year.

Please complete and submit this nomination form by the deadline of Friday 26th November 2021 at 6pm.

The form will then close and no other organisations will be able to nominate a representative after that time.

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