Editorial Policy
Nenagh Chamber of Commerce, Nenagh Town Council and AdSmart.ie have come together to form a coalition of growth and re-launch Nenagh.ie - a hyper-local website which will champion the town and its surrounding areas.
The Nenagh.ie website, content and newsletter is published and edited by AdSmart.ie.
It is intended that Nenagh.ie will present the community living in the Nenagh area and further afield with news, events listings, business listings and general information pertaining to the town and the surrounding area.
The AdSmart.ie team will publish compelling content on the site and when content is submitted to the site the AdSmart.ie team will review and edit said content.
Nenagh.ie welcomes content from all local clubs, societies and individuals. All content submitted will be appropriately credited.
Please email contributions to editor@nenagh.ie as unformatted text. Images sent as .jpg or .png files may also be considered for inclusion.
Content received is not guaranteed to be published - the editor will decide whether the content in question is newsworthy with specific relation to Nenagh.ie.
The AdSmart.ie team reserve the right to edit copy to suit the needs and format of Nenagh.ie while the editor will endeavour to correct all factual errors and publish apologies for errors where necessary. AdSmart.ie also reserves the right to refuse to publish any material received that it believes does not match the site’s editorial policy.
Opinions expressed on Nenagh.ie are those of the contributor in question and do not necessarily reflect the views of Nenagh.ie, AdSmart.ie, Nenagh Town Council or the Nenagh Chamber of Commerce.
All parties associated with Nenagh.ie are opposed to any form of discrimination on the grounds of age, class, physical appearance, disability, gender, national/ethnic origin, race, religious belief, sexual orientation or health.
Any complaints or disputes about published material may be referred to editor@nenagh.ie