
To contact please use the form on the right. Please read the instructions here before submitting the form - this form is for general enquiries and for submitting material for inclusion on the site, see below for Business Listing Signup.

Business Listing Signup

If you are interested in having your business listed on then please visit the Business Signup Page. There you can select the package you are interested in, simply fill out the form and we will will contact you with further information.

Business Signup

A Word from our Community Manager

Hello Nenagh.  I am thrilled to be here! 

For those of you who have met me, you will know that I am a 'blow in'. I lived the first 10 years of my life in Italy after which my family moved to New York State where I grew up (in a large city by Niagara Falls), learned (earned a Master’s degree), and forged a career (my last job was as a Director at a college).
As it happens, I met an Irishman on my travels, and you can easily put together how I ended up here.  Lucky for me!

I have embraced Nenagh since my first trip, and when I finally moved here I set about contacting anyone who was involved in the betterment of our lovely town. My aim was to do anything possible to make our town centre thrive. My belief – backed up by some research – is that if the town centre thrives, we all reap the benefits. A robust local business sector has the effect of bolstering our town against the downturns of the national and world economy. Who wouldn't want that?

The Chamber of Commerce and were brazen enough to welcome me, the overly-enthusiastic stranger with bold plans, and to hear out my ideas. If I could figure out how, Nenagh would own the moon. That first Christmas I volunteered to help with events and ended up meeting nearly all the local merchants. That was one of the best and most interesting things I've done in my life. I fell in love with Nenagh and its people all the more.

So it was without hesitation that I accepted the position of Community Manager at  They believe the same things I believe: Nenagh is a great town and the health of our local businesses is the key to everyone's prosperity. is the only website that congregates information about Nenagh so thoroughly. You can find a business, search for local deals, look for jobs, find out what's happening in and around town. All in one spot. And that's what I do. I scour around for information about Nenagh and share it with you. I also promote our businesses for all the reasons I mentioned above. We need them as much as they rely on us. This truth is deep in my heart.

If you have ideas for anything that you think will make an improvement to our website, FaceBook page, or Nenagh as a whole, please contact me.  I would love to hear from you. When like minds get together amazing things can happen!

If you are a business, do consider signing up and adding your voice to the only website dedicated to all that is Nenagh.

With much love to you, Nenagh,
Community Manager

Business Spotlight

Mapster Express

Home & Heritage Gifts

View Profile

Joyful Celebrant

Creating memories and bespoke ceremonies

View Profile