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North Board secretary highlights fixtures issue

December 201204th


North Board secretary highlights fixtures issue

Ahead of the Annual General Meeting of the North Tipperary GAA Board secretary Eugene Ryan (Moneygall) has this week highlighted fixtures issues with specific regard to the division - the North Tipperary Convention will take place on Monday, December 10th at 8pm (preceded by mass for deceased members at 7.30pm).

In relation to the fixtures issue Eugene Ryan indicates in his report that “once again there were many headaches trying to organise our fixtures”. 

“The success of our county teams is very welcome, but it does cause extra difficulty in arranging fixtures, but it is one we can certainly live with. What is annoying is the big number of excuses put forward by some clubs during the year not to play games. Some of these could certainly be avoided. Most weddings are arranged at least a year in advance and yet we sometimes have clubs coming forward a few weeks before a wedding asking for a free weekend. Weddings that do not have a direct connection with players on a team should not be used as an excuse for postponing a game.”

“Under no circumstances do I see a need for postponing a game because of stag parties or 21st birthdays - there are enough week ends in the year to enable people to arrange these when there will be no clash of fixtures. Our CCC is tasked with the problem of arranging fixtures and the members put in a huge amount of work to ensure the smooth running of our championships. I thank them for their work in this area.”

In a wide-ranging report to next Monday night’s convention North Tipperary secretary Eugene Ryan also reports that although “we all shared the disappointment of our county senior hurlers loss to Kilkenny in the All-Ireland semi-final there was much to celebrate on the inter-county scene with the All-Ireland successes enjoyed by the minor and intermediate hurlers and the Munster wins by the senior hurlers and minor footballers. With so much inter-county activity there was great difficulty in arranging club fixtures and a number of our championships remain to be completed”.

In his report Eugene Ryan has highlighted the achievements of Silvermines (Munster intermediate hurling champions), Nenagh Éire Óg (county minor A hurling champions), Borrisokane (junior and under-21B football champions) and Portroe (north Tipperary senior hurling champions).

Eugene Ryan thanked all the club secretaries and the referees for their co-operation during the past year.


President: Matt Hassett (Toomevara) - Vice-President: Donie Nealon (Burgess) - Chairperson: John McGrath (Ballinahinch) – Vice-Chairperson: Dan Kennedy (Toomevara) - Secretary: Eugene Ryan (Moneygall) - Assistant Secretary: Gerard McKeogh (Ballina) - Treasurer: Willie Lennox (Shannon Rovers) - Assistant Treasurer: Catherine Gleeson (Kildangan) - PRO: Liam Hogan (Shannon Rovers) - Trustee: Dan Kennedy (Roscrea) - Registrar: Joe Hanrahan (Nenagh Éire Óg) - Children’s Officer: Cora Moroney (Newport) - Officer for Irish Language and Culture: Martin Ryan (Ballinahinch) - Coaching Officer: John Sheedy (Portroe) - Development Officer: Jackie Meagher (Toomevara).

Notable Motions

Newport GAA club have proposed that the under-21 football and hurling championships commence early in the season and conclude prior to the intermediate and senior club championships.

A Shannon Rovers motion proposes to run the intermediate hurling championship on an all-county open draw basis (four groups with the winner of each group progressing to the quarter-finals). The motion also proposes that each division should run their own championship with the winner receiving entry into the county quarter-finals.

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