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Financial Review

June 201304th


Financial Review

Retirement Planning?

It is very important to consider your retirement options as early as possible. Without making some provision in advance, there is no way to be sure that you will have enough money to fund a reasonably comfortable lifestyle after you retire. Therefore with a little planning, it is you who will get to decide the quality of your lifestyle after you retire, not the government! Your needs change on a regular basis, so if you have existing pensions, perhaps now is the time to review them to ensure they will provide the funding you require at retirement.

The link to the pension calculator below can help you perform a health check on your current pension planning by answering the following questions:

  • How much the government will help contribute towards my income in retirement?
  • How much my contributions will help contribute towards my income in retirement?

Link to pensions calculator

I hope you find this calculator of help in illustrating in broad terms the level of contribution’s required.


Have you insurance for what matters most?

Juggling daily finances can be a full-time job, and most of us find it hard to know what to sort out first. We insure our cars, our holidays and sometimes even our pets! But the very thing we may forget is the most important of all – protecting ourselves and our families.

With our range of protection options you could have peace of mind that you and your family could be secure financially should something happen to you. Take Life Cover for example, it gives your family a lump sum payment should you die. Income Protection provides you with replacement income if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury. Alternatively, Specified Illness Cover pays you a lump sum should you suffer from one of a list of illnesses covered.


Want to put some money away for a rainy day or have an amount to invest and don’t know what to do with it?

Investing money is an important part of your financial security and planning. Whether you have been saving regularly to build a nest egg or maybe you’ve come into a sum of money unexpectedly, whatever the reason, you need to decide which path is right for you when investing your money.

We offer a wide range of regular savings and investment products with different durations and levels of risk to suit your needs. Investing is entirely unique to each individual’s circumstances. Understanding why you are investing, your goals and attitude to risk allows us to make recommendations and structure investments that are suitable for you and in line with your overall investment goals.


How can you find out more?

Throughout the course of your life, your financial needs will change. Quinlan Financial Services is committed to providing quality service at all times. Part of this ongoing service is giving you the opportunity to meet with one of our fully Qualified Independent Financial Advisors to undertake a full review of your finances

For more information on our range of Products and Services why not call Quinlan Financial Services on 067 32283 to arrange a review of your finances or visit our website at

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