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Silvermines GAA Memorial Walk in Aid of North Tipp Hospice

November 201401st- 02nd

13:00 DollaEntertainment, Fundraising, Health and Well Being

Silvermines GAA Memorial Walk in Aid of North Tipp Hospice

Silvermines GAA Club is preparing to host one of the county’s biggest fundraising events this coming November, with ALL monies raised being donated to North Tipperary Hospice. The 24-hour walk will start at 1.00pm on Saturday November 1st and finish on Sunday 2nd November at 1.00pm and will take place on the walking track in Dolla GAA Grounds.

Adults and children of all ages are urged to take part and friends, neighbours and families can come together and walk as teams also. Teams of walkers do not have to be present for the 24 hours, each individual only has to give up a small portion of their time over the 24 hours. Everyone is welcome to pop in and participate.

In addition, over the duration of the walk a number of other activities will take place to create a jovial atmosphere, with local organisations all lending a helping hand with refreshments for the walkers.

Sponsorship cards are available now for the event from Chairman, Maurice Leamy (087) 2248834; Secretary, Tina Shanahan (087) 6106191 or Treasurer , John Sherlock (087) 6983280 and for regular updates and further information please follow the Silvermines Memorial Walk Facebook Page.

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