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Morris welcomes Midlands Gymnastics club to Nenagh

August 201328th

Local News, Sport

Morris welcomes Midlands Gymnastics club to Nenagh

Councillor Seamus Morris has this week welcomed Midland Gymnastics Club to Nenagh which will officially open this coming weekend. "I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Midlands Gymnastics Club and Russian Coach Natasha Chuhai to the Nenag AFC Brickfields sports facility to add to the growing amount of sporting disciplines using the facility on 12 acres of land in the town. I am delighted that I had a role in bringing Gymnastics to the facility which is perfectly suited with its fine clubhouse and plentyful parking space."

Natasha and Andrei Chuhai would like to welcome everybody to see the new Gymnastics facility and enrol their children into what is a great discipline and will be a great grounding for all children. The opening will be at 2 o clock on Saturday August 31st at the Nenagh AFC facility on the Old Birr Road in Nenagh with light refreshments served. The Midlands Gymnastics Club has already proven to be highly successful in its previous facility in Lorrha and has a growing number of successful Gymnasts progressing through its ranks.

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