On Saturday last, 16 of our swimmers travelled to Ennis to participate in a Grade B gala. Once again the committment and hard work in training reaped rewards with the swimmers taking home 6 gold, 9 silver and 9 bronze medals.Congratulations to Sarah McCutcheon, Ellie Molamphy and Ethan Geoghan who achieved their A times on the day.
It was a great day that was enjoyed by all and capped off with our girls relay team of Ellen Lane, Sorcha Nagle, Sinead Dwyer and Ellie Molamphy bringing home gold. After a hard day of swims in their respective heats, the girls gathered the last of their energy and in what was a very exciting race, the girls went stroke for stroke with Limerick before getting the final touch.
Well done to all our swimmers and coach in charge on the day Mark Dempsey. Many thanks also to the parents that travelled and for their support and help on the day.