Come hear and see what visual artists living/working in Tipperary are thinking and saying – Tuesday, 9th September 2pm to 7pm in Damer House, Gallery, Roscrea.
Visual Artists Ireland, in partnership with Damer House Gallery and Tipperary Arts Office, are delighted to announce the first Visual Artists’ Café for Tipperary Visual Artists. Join us on Tuesday, September 9th for an afternoon of information and the opportunity to meet fellow artists working in Tipperary and discover the supports that are available to you.
Format for the afternoon: The purpose of Show & Tell is to allow artists to present work or concepts to each other in an informal atmosphere. The events are also designed to allow curators and artistic directors to keep up to date on what is current in artists’ studios without the need to do a large number of studio visits, as well as providing the wider general audience with an inside view of artistic practice.
The format is very simple. 10 artists are given 6 minutes each to present and speak about their work or concepts in 20 slides. These presentations are in a rolling format which provides both for excitement and also in most cases precludes complicated overly academic or theoretical language. Instead we have found that artists tend to speak more clearly about their work which allows many access points for the informal networking that takes place after the presentations. A great way to hear artists speak in a way that the public rarely have access to …
Booking is through €3.00 for general public.